A Guest Boat visiting Yacht Club with Marina Mate Invoicing Software

Exploring Outstation Visit Management

Your Yacht Club has a number of Outstations for which you may wish to monitor attendance, charge for visits, or provide opportunity to rent rooms and/or cottages.  MARINA MATE provides Outstation Visit Management functions.  You can define your outstations to the system with properties describing the type of available moorage, visiting limits, what services and rentals are available and if usage charges are applicable. A Web Portal application is provided, which members can execute on their smart phone or tablet, to register their attendance to the outstation, or to just inquire if there is available space for a visit.
When a member registers their visit, they will indicate their planned length of stay, and if they utilize any of the available rentals. An Outstation Visit transaction record is recorded which may be used for generating charges for billing or analysis of outstation usage.

Associated to Outstation Visit Management:
  • Identify outstations as Owned, Leased from a Marina, or used with a Reimbursement Program
  • Set # of Slips and/or Length of Side-Tie dock space available for moorage
  • Flag as available: power, showers, water and clubhouse
  • Option to charge for the visit, power used or rental of rooms, cottages and linen
  • Any charges are recorded to the member's account
  • Year-to-Date, Last-Year and Life-to-Date total statistics are kept for # of visits, # of nights, # of rentals and $ sales

The Benefits to be Achieved:
  • Provides an easy method for members to register their visits to the outstations using their smart phones or tablets
  • No need to have an outstation log book for registering visits
  • Easily bill members for their outstation visits when charging for the visit, power used and any rental of rooms, cottages or linen used
  • On the given day, members can easily identify if there is space available at the outstation, and see which other members are visiting

   Sample Screen Shots for Outstation Visit Management: