Associated to the Web Portal:
- Applications that execute on tablets, smart phones and computers
- Users must be provided an access code and password
- Forgot My Password function is offered to users
- Emails may be sent to all Web Portal Users
- The properties for Web Portal Users may be built and maintained in spreadsheets to be imported into the system
The following functions include:
- Edit My Profile - lets members and client edit their contact information
- Review Account - a list of past invoices and payments are shown with aged balances
- Invoice Inquiry - displays a list of past invoices
- Current Charges - displays a list of current un-invoiced charges on file
- Moorage Postings - lists postings of available moorage and lets members enter their request-for-moorage
- My Moorage Contract - members and clients to view their moorage contracts, and approve their renewals
- Event Signup - for special events that have been defined, users can sign up to attend, purchase tickets, RSVP and list the names of their guests
- Club Roster - displays a list of members or clients listed by name, boat name and date they joined.
- Longe Assessment - list all the members' lounge charges along with total credits, charges, tips paid, and balances for each assessment period
The Benefits to be Achieved for Staff:
- The morning Dock Walk app can be launched from a tablet or smart phone and the status of moorage slips updated
- Accounting staff will not have to deal with common issues dealing with billing
- A club member or marina client roster is always available and displays data from members and clients profile records
- Hydro Meter Readings can easily be recorded directly into the system while walking the dock without having to write it on a sheet to be entered later
The Benefits to be Achieved for Yacht Clubs:
- Members can easily update their contact information
- Members can check what oustanding charges are current on their accounts
- Historic invoices can be viewed
- The Club Roster can be accessed from anywhere internet is available
- Moorage postings can be viewed and requested over the internet
- Moorage Renewal Contract can be approved remotely
- Lounge Assessment charges and status can be easily accessed
- Tickets for Special Events can be ordered remotely
The Benefits to be Achieved for Marinas:
- Clients can easily update their contact information
- Clients can check what oustanding charges are current on their accounts
- Historic invoices can be viewed
- The Moorage Client Roster, if set up, can be accessed from anywhere internet is available
Sample Screen Shots for the Web Portal:
Web Portal ~ Menu Screen
Web Portal ~ Edit My Profile Screen
Web Portal ~ Review Account Screen
Web Portal ~ Invoice Inquiry Screen
Web Portal ~ Current Charges Screen
Web Portal ~ Moorage Postings Screen
Web Portal ~ My Moorage Contract Screen
Web Portal ~ Event Signup Screen
Web Portal ~ CLub Roster Screen
Web Portal ~ Lounge Assessment Screen
Web Portal ~ Dock Walk Screen
Web Portal Users Access ~ Web User Profile Screen