Sample Interactive Marina Map defined to Marina Mate marina and yacht club software

Exploring Dock Graphics

The MARINA MATE system provides the ability to manage and inquire on vessel moorage graphically from bitmap images of the docks.  A number of different functions relating to moorage assignment are available.  In order to accomplish this amazing feat, you must have graphical bitmap files showing the layout of the docks in the marina.  Depending on the size of the marina, you may require more than one graphic.  The system will allow you to have up to 10 bitmap files set up for each of the two applications that employ them.
Graphic management is supported for vessel moorage and kayak, dinghy, sculls storage, and parking stall assignment..


Associated to Dock Graphic Setup and Inquiry:
  • A Slip Graphic Inquiry application offers interactive assignment of moorage
  • Up to 10 bitmap images may be created and displayed in tabbed sub-screens
  • Slips are digitally mapped to images manually or automatically for vertical and horizontal dock layout
  • Display dock moorage assignments, kayak, dinghy and scull storage, and parking spot assignments
  • Occupied slips are highlighted, and color coded, depending on whether occupied by club members, clients or guests, or as a sublet
  • Different colors are used to indicate if a slip is available for term moorage, or for sublet moorage
  • The display is refreshed for whatever date is selected
  • Animated graphics of Arriving and Departing vessels may be activated
  • Directly launched from Guest Entry, Contract Maintenance, Member Maintenance and/or Client Maintenance to assign or move moorage with the mouse
  • When launched to assign moorage, available slips that can accomodate the boat size and power needs are highlighted in green
  • The location of power outlets, by amperage, can be shown
  • When assigning or moving side-tie or raft-tie moorage, a frame is displayed that can be shifted with the mouse
  • Side-tie docks have foot markers displayed
  • If a given slip is left-clicked, information about the vessel, and maximum vessel size is displayed.
  • If a given slip is right-clicked, a pop-up window is presented showing the different functions that may be performed
  • The properties for Slips may be built and maintained in spreadsheets to be imported into the system
  • A second Show Docks Graphical Display function can be launched to display to a TV screen showing graphics with boat names automatically stepping through each dock graphic

The Benefits to be Achieved:
  • Assigning moorage can be easily employed using a mouse click
  • Easily view occupancy of different docks graphically
  • Launch Slip Maintenance, Member Maintenance and/or Client Maintenance from the graphic screen for a particular slip
  • Assign or move side-tie and raft-tie moorage vessels easily with the mouse
  • See a visual display of boats expected to arrive or depart
  • See dock occupancy and/or reservations 14 months into the future
  • Set up a TV or monitor in the dock office displaying the names of vessels along with the dates assigned moorage

   Sample Screen Shots for Dock Graphic Display: