Marina Mate Charges Entry Cartoon Picture

Exploring Charges Entry

The MARINA MATE system is used to record all the charges for term moorage, guest moorage, and anything to be invoiced to club members, term moorage customers and visiting guests.  Charges are entered directly as required, or are automatically generated from the Moorage Contract routine and the Visiting Guests routine.  Charges are also generated for yacht club membership fees and moorage utility fees.  All charges are kept on file, available to this function until they are invoiced.  Once invoiced, they are moved to history and can be viewed from the Charges History Inquiry application.
All charges entered into MARINA MATE to be invoiced must have a Charge Task Code.  Task Charge Codes provide Tax options, units display, G/L Revenue and/or Cost Centre codes and override Unit Prices.  Once invoices are generated and moved through to the Accounts Receivable system, applicable G/L Distributions, derived from the Charges, are then generated.

Associated to Charges Entry:
  • When entering charges for members, guest or clients, they may be selected by owner last name or boat name
  • Moorage related charges are automatically generated for term moorage and transient guest moorage
  • Club membership fees are automatically generated based on member types
  • Moorage related charges are automatically generated for systems employing Contracts
  • Moorage related charges are automatically generated From the Guest Management application
  • Moorage utility charges are generated either at a fixed rate, or for kW-Hrs used
  • Applicable charges are automatically generated for clubs employing the Lounge Assessment system
  • Charges are automatically generated when Special Events are set up and completed, for ticket sales and any of the optional items that can be purchased
  • The system offers 36 pre-defined charge codes and provides for an additional 24 user defined charges
  • Configure the most commonly used charges to be displayed for easy selection in the Charges Entry application, 
  • Task Charge Codes are automatically assigned to each charge providing override rates and G/L Revenue Accounts
  • Up to four different taxes may be applied to each charge
  • Unit rates are defaulted from the Control Preferences settings, the Task Charge Codes, or from any Rate Tables that have been defined
  • All charges once invoiced are kept on file flagged as Archived and available for analysis
  • Charges may be loaded from spreadsheet or tab-delimited files

The Benefits to be Achieved:
  • Manage moorage for the home marina and outstations
  • Guest billing automated for all types of moorage assignment
  • Separate monthly charges for term moorage and transient moorage
  • Easily graphically assign moorage to regulate slips or side-tie docks
  • Power can be billed at a fixed day/monthly rate or based on kW-hrs used
  • Revenue earned can be easliy broken down by Location, Dock, Guests and Moorage Clients or Members
  • For system set-up, properties of Slips can be easily built in spreadsheets and imported into the system

   Sample Screen Shots for Charges Entry: