Series 5 Applications in General - List of Enhancements |
Over the lifespan of the Series 5 Suite of Applications, a number of major enhancements and minor fixes have been applied. Following is a brief summary, (listing the most recent items first).
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New and Different – Enhancements and Fixes in all Series 5 Systems
For 2017
Attempting to launch MS-Word or MS-Excel from any of the application's [User Functions] drop down menu did not work. The problem has been fixed. (April-07-2017)
When selecting a date from the Date Lookup Window, (displayed as a calendar image), the Next and Prior Month push-buttons were not working correctly. The problem has been fixed. (April-07-2017) |
For 2016
When selecting a date from the Date Lookup Window, (displayed as a calendar image), the Series 5 software was assuming the date was always read in mm/dd/yy format. With Windows 10, users may now readily define the format that dates are to be processed. Now the Series 5 Date Lookup rouine will correctly identify the format being used, and return the correct date selected from the window. (Jan-26-2016) HS5_Enhancements_to_ALL_Systems-2011-2013.xml |
When a Series 5 application generates an MS Word or PDF document requiring a template it first tries to determine if that template file exists. In Office 2010 and earlier, templates were stored in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates folder. For Office 2013 and 2016, Microsoft has changed the default to C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Custom Office Templates folder. If after upgrading from earlier revisions of Office, you wish to use this default, then you must move your existing Series 5 templates from the old folder, to this new folder.
However now as a new option in Office 2013 and 2016, you may specify the path to where your templates are stored, and just set it to to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates folder. (Jan-04-2016)
Perform the following steps:
For 2015
When attempting to print a report as a PDF, or an MS Word document as a "thin-client" where the server was an MS Windows NT server, the system was not correctly identifying MS Office on the client's PC. The problem has been fixed. Likewise when attempting to import or export MS Excel files, the same problem has been fixed. (Oct-29-2015) |
The "Licensing" tab of the "About Series 5" window has been enhanced to display whether the client is executing a local runtime, or as a "Thin-client". It now also displays the Windows logon user code. The "File Folder Definitions" tab has been enhanced to display the version of Microsoft Office that is found on the client's PC. (If MS Office is not installed, an applicable message is also displayed). (Oct-27-2015) |
The progress bar displayed when processing items has been enhanced. Now a flashing "+" character will be displayed 25 times to the right of the green bar prior to it being refreshed increasing in size, as items are processed. The length of the green bar is still being updated 50 times for the duration of application function being processed. (Apr-22-2015) |
For 2014
The printing routines, and the import/export routines have been enhanced to provide support for MS Word and MS Excel in Office 365. (Oct-01-2014) |
A new property has been introduced to the Series 5 Logon User's profile. You may now specify the Default Import/Export File type for each user. When Importing or Exporting data the selected default will now be automatically set. The Import/Export routines has been revised to use the specified default. (Mar-26-2014) |
For 2013
When output is generated as an MS Word Document, an entry in the runtime configuration file is used to define the output orientation, font name, font size, and where applicable, a Template. The system has been enhanced to now provide for 40 character font names and template filenames. (Increased from 25 characters) (July-03-2013) |
The ability to attach documents to different Series 5 Transactions Master Code records has been enhanced. You may now attach an HTML file or a link to a Web Page. Also, when displaying JPEG or Bit-Map files, the Microsoft Office Picture Viewer Utility will be employed.
Also, when adding a new attachment, the system will default the path to a folder that should exist in the directory designated to be the "Temporary" directory associated to each Company System. You should create a directory named "Attachments" in that directory, (if it's not already there). (Jun-27-2013) |
Series 5 applications may now make use of a new routine that provides the ability to read email from MS Outlook. Currently used by the A/P and O/P Manager Approval functions, emails are read that were sent from designated approval managers. The internal driver used to read emails using calls to Microsoft Office Outlook. The following capabilities associated to reading emails are now possible:
(May-26-2013) |
For 2012
When importing or exporting data fields from/to MS Excel, after the process has been completed, the EXCEL.EXE process was not being terminated, (due to a problem with Windows, or there is some secret function to do so). The problem has been fixed. Now, when Excel is launched from Series 5, it's Process Id is detected, and once the import/export is completed, the process is "Killed" using a system call using the TASKKILL DOS command. (Nov-12-2012) |
When importing or exporting data fields from MS Excel, tab-delimited, or CSV data files, the system will now handle text fields up to 200 characters in length. (Sept-18-2012) |
The Series 5 Applications make calls to the Microsoft Calendar routine to display a calendar, and accept the operator's selection of a date. In order to make use of this feature, the Microsoft Calendar must be registered on all client computers executing Series 5. MSCAL.OCX may be found in \ms\ocx on the AcuGT, (Extend 9.xx), installation CD for Windows. If you cannot locate it on the release CD, a copy is included in the Series 5 release directory in S5\UTIL . (June 25-2012)
This is accomplished by executing the following command from the designated DOS Command Prompt:
All reports and forms that are generated as MS Word Documents may now have an assorted formatting properties applied to the text that is generated. The following formatting capabilities may be applied:
These types of formatting controls could be implemented for Invoices, Purchase Orders, Customer Statements, A/P Checks or Customer Quotes. In order to take advantage of these features, the appropriate applications' program must be pro-grammatically customized. Contact Sentinel Hill Software Inc., for more information. further details. (Apr-24-2012) HS5_Enhancements_to_ALL_Systems-2011-2013.xml |
When entering export selection options, if the operator was to click on the "About Exporting" information tab, an error was being reported that the "File did not exits". This problem has been fixed. Now you may freely select any filtering or output options tab when they are presented without any problems. (March-09-2012) |
New functionality has been introduced to the Series 5 Main menu Signon process. You may now define to have the Series 5 system use the client's Windows Logon Code as the User Code for signing in to Series 5. If set, when Series 5 is launched, the Windows Signon Code will be used. The User-Logon screen will be presented, but only the Password field may be displayed for keyboard entry. (If the given Series 5 User Logon profile had a blank password entered, then the User-Logon screen will not be presented at all. Control will be transferred directly to the Main Menu screen.)
For systems that are set to use the Windows User Logon code, user's will ONLY be able to log in to Series 5 using the Windows Logon Code. The function to "Repeat User's Logon", found under the Main Menu's File drop-down menu will be disabled. Note however, if a user has their System Management Access set to Full, they will still be able to "Repeat User's Logon", and sign on as a different user.
For systems that do not wish to use the Windows logon, the default will still be set to that defined by the PC Client user's SHSI_USER_NAME environment variable. (Feb-28-2012) |
![]() | Bitmapped Images in Series 5 |
All Series 5 applications that load bitmapped images have been revised to expect the image filenames to be in upper case. (Feb-28-2012)
The logic used to report serious file I/O errors has been enhanced to correctly identify the full folder path for any sequential text files that might be generated. Previously in some cases, the error message displayed incorrectly showed the path that was assigned as the Data Files Directory assigned to the Company System. This problem has been fixed. (Jan-30-2012) |
For any application that requires entry or selection of a directory path, a "Browse" push button is presented. The operator could click this button, and the Windows Folder browse dialogue window would be presented. Previously, only descendants of the user's default working folder are shown. The system has been revised to now display only those folders which are descendants of the root directory of the Directory Path field associated to the "Browse" button. So now, if you were to enter C:\ in the Directory Path, when the "Browse" button is clicked, you would be able to browse any directory on your computer's "C" drive. Setting the Directory Path blank, or to something other that a drive letter designation, would result in only being able to browse descendants of the user's default working directory. (Jan-18-2012) |
The logic used to report serious file I/O errors has been enhanced to identify errors associated to the use of AcuServer. Previously, 9D-104 errors were reported as an "AcuServer Connection Failure". Now, all 9D-XX errors are identified, and the applicable message displayed. (Jan-10-2012) |
All reports and forms that are generated as MS Word Documents are now created protected as "Read-Only" documents. A password may be used to un-lock them. Refer to the applicable documentation for further details. (Jan-10-2012) |
For 2011
The generic routine to handle importing and exporting of data, (to spreadsheet or character delimited files), has been enhanced to provide for CSV files that do not have/allow quotes around character strings. (Dec-12-2011) |
The CALLEREQ program has been revised to call either the W/M's E-Request Service routine or the new P/I's On-Demand Billing Service routine. It no longer resides as a program belonging to the W/M system, rather, it has been moved into the S/M, (System's Management) directory and library. Please ensure the correct compile script files are installed. (Nov-11-2011) |
The logic provided to launch MS Excel or MS Word has been expanded to handle the case where MS Office was installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office. (Previously the system only looked in in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office . (Oct-03-2011) |
A number of different application functions offer the ability to automatically generate and send emails. This includes the emailing of invoices, purchase orders, statements, customer quotes, reports and other messages. The internal driver used to send emails has been enhanced to generated and send emails using calls to Microsoft Office Outlook, (rather than to the MAPI library). As a result, the following capabilities associated to sending emails are now possible:
(Sept-20-2011) |
A problem has been identified and fixed when importing $ formatted columns of data from spreadsheet. If any headings were specified, and they exceeded 22 characters in length, the number being input and recorded was ZERO. The problem has been fixed. (July-25-2011) |
The Series 5 printing routines had the ability to generate output as an MS Word document. This function has been enhanced to provide support for Office 2010 Word utility. Now, when presented with the print options screen, and the operator chooses to "Save To Disk", they may choose to output as an Office 2007/2010 or Office 2003 Word document. The system will automatically append either the .DOCX or the .DOC extension, and generate the document using the correct file format. (June-14-2011) |
The import and export function has been enhanced to provide support for Office 2010 EXCEL utility. Now, when presented with the import/export options screen, the operator may select to load from, or output to, either an Excel 2007/2010 Workbook, or an Excel 97-2003 Workbook. The system will automatically append either the .XLSX or the .XLS extension, and read or write the spreadsheet using the correct file format. (June-14-2011) |
In all Series Series 5 applications where a grid screen is presented for the entry of transactions, or the maintenance of master codes, a "Search" function is provided. This function has been enhanced in the cases where the operator has chosen to search for a given record where a Date is chosen as the search criteria. Now the following literal label is displayed, "mm/dd/yy", indicating the desired format that the date should be entered as. As well, the date entered may now be as "mmddyy", "mmddyyyy", "mm/dd/yy", or "mm/dd/yyyy", depending on the mood of the operator. (May-02-2011) |
You may now attach a variety of different documents to assorted Master Code records, and Transactions. Up to 15 separate documents may be selected, and attached and viewed from the applicable functions in assorted Series 5 systems. These documents may also be viewed where applicable. The different types of documents supported are as follows:
(Apr-14-2011) |
The Series 5 provides for the definition of Printer Queues. As a property to each Series 5 Printer Queue, you may define a "Captured Printer". When a report is generated and a given Series 5 Printer Queue is chosen that has a "Captured Printer", the report prints directly to the associated network printer. If the Printer Queue does not have a "Captured Printer" defined, then a Windows "Printer Select" dialogue box window is displayed. Previously, the the Series 5 system made a call to have the "Printer Select" window displayed which was an older style, compatible with older versions of Windows. Now a new call is made displaying a modern Windows XP/7 "Printer Select" Window. (Feb-09-2011) |
The Series 5 provides for the definition of Printer Queues. As a property to each Series 5 Printer Queue, you may define a "Captured Printer". When a report is generated and a given Series 5 Printer Queue is chosen that has a "Captured Printer", the report prints directly to the associated network printer. The routine used to capture a Windows printer was not working correctly under Windows 7. This problem has been fixed. (Feb-09-2011) |
For 2010
In all Series 5 applications that generate reports that might normally be printed, a Print Options screen is presented. From this screen, the operator may choose to have the output directed to a printer; to be "Archived", to be just displayed to the screen to "Browse"; or output as an MS Word or PDF file. The default output has been changed to be just displayed to the screen to be "Browsed". (Previously it was defaulted to be output to a printer). Additionally, should you desire to set the default output, you may do so by inserting a variable in the runtime Configuration file. The variable SHSI_RPT_DESTINATION with a single numeric argument, will provide the default target for generated reports, where you would set the argument as follows:
Note that if the applicable application already determined the target output, these defaults will NOT be used. (Oct-13-2010) |
In all Series 5 applications that maintain master codes records, or provide for the entry or inquiry of transaction or history records, under File on the menu bar, the Properties function will display information about the related files. This function has been enhanced to now display 12 numeric digits for both the files size, and the number of records in the file. Also, now the version of the Vision file is displayed, along with the number of volumes that are used to hold the data and the index keys for the associated file(s). (Sept-01-2010) |
In all Series 5 applications that use a paged grid screen, (those showing rows of master codes and/or transaction records similar to a spreadsheet), the operator may now navigate forwards and backwards through the records using the Mouse Wheel. If the Ctrl-Key is also pressed while twirling the mouse, 4 rows of data are skipped instead of just 1. (If when you spin the mouse too fast, and a "Stack Overflow" error occurs, in the runtimes Configuration file, add the variable PERFORM_STACK 384 and it should work OK ) Note that this new feature is only available for systems with at least AcuGT Rev 8.1.3 (July 27-2010) |
The Series 5 family of applications offers the ability to import to, and export from, an MS Excel Workbook document. System error that could be generated while outputting to and/or inputting from, MS Excel documents were causing Series 5 applications to terminate with a not too friendly error message. The errors that were particularly annoying were as follows:
The import/export routines have been enhanced to now capture any system errors that were being generated from MS Excel. A reasonably friendly error message will now be displayed, and the particular application will continue processing. (In most cases, the import/export will just be abandoned). (May-31-2010) |
A problem has been discovered when compiling with the Intel native mode. This option must be removed from the S5_GCBL.BAT compiler macro that can be found in the S5\util directory. (Basically replace the set NATIVE=--intel command with set NATIVE= command. (May-21-2010) |
The Series 5 generates a number of different forms. For example, A/P Checks, Invoices, Picking Tickets, Statements and Purchase Orders. Variables within the runtime configuration file may be set up that are used to indicate how the forms are to be generated and/or printed. Arguments to these variables indicated whether the form was printed, archived, and/or saved as MS Word documents. The 2nd argument, used to define the output, may now have the following values:
Existing arguments associated to WORD will be interpreted as WORD2003. The applications that generated these forms have been enhanced to now recognize arguments that indicate the forms are to be generated as Office 2007 Word or Office 2003 Word documents. (May-21-2010) |
The Series 5 printing routines had the ability to generate output as an MS Word document. System error that could be generated while outputting to and/or automatic printing of MS Word documents were causing Series 5 applications to terminate with a not too friendly error message. The errors that were particularly annoying were as follows:
The printing routines have been enhanced to now capture any system errors that were being generated from MS Word. A reasonably friendly error message will now be displayed, and the particular application will continue processing. (In most cases, the generation of the report will just be abandoned). (May-21-2010) |
The Series 5 printing routines had the ability to generate output as an MS Word document. This function has been enhanced to provide support for Office 2007 Word utility. Now, when presented with the print options screen, and the operator chooses to "Save To Disk", they may choose to output as an Office 2007 or Office 2003 Word document. The system will automatically append either the .DOCX or the .DOC extension, and generate the document using the correct file format. For users that have Office 2007 installed, the default File Type will be the Office 2007 Word, but they may choose either Office formats. For users that do not have Office 2007 installed, the default File Type will be the Office 2003 Word, and they will not be able to choose Word 2007 or the PDF formats. (May-20-2010) |
The Series 5 system has the capability of automatically sending emails. Emails are sent by making a call to a MAPI.Library, which in turn sends the email using Microsoft Outlook. If the receiver's email address is prefixed with "LN:" or "Ln:", (indicating that they are Lotus Notes users), then instead of using MAPI, a DOS command call is made using the command line defined by the runtime configuration variable "DOS_MAIL_CMD", to actually send the email. Within this command line, there are pseudo variables, that would be replaced with the Subject, Receivers Name and Address and the path to an Attachment. This capability has been enhanced to now provide for sending the email with 2 attachments. The new pseudo variable %ATTACHMENT2% will be replaced with the full path to a 2nd attachment, if applicable. (May-03-2010) |
The import and export function has been enhanced to provide support for Office 2007 EXCEL utility. Now, when presented with the import/export options screen, the operator may select to load from, or output to, either an Excel 2007 Workbook, or an Excel 97-2003 Workbook. The system will automatically append either the .XLSX or the .XLS extension, and read or write the spreadsheet using the correct file format. For users that have Office 2007 installed, the default File Type will be the Excel 2007 Workbook, but they may choose either Excel format. For users that do not have Office 2007 installed, the default File Type will be the Excel 97-2003 Workbook, and they will not be able to choose Excel 2007. (May-03-2010) |
When the import/export screen is presented and a particular directory and file is selected for processing, if the operator clicks on the Back push-button, (to go back and change an option of prior screens), upon re-displaying the import/export screen, the originally selected file/directory was being reset to the program's default. This problem has been fixed. (Mar-24-2010) |
The Series 5 printing routines had the ability to generate a sub-document as an MS Word document. (A sub-document might be a single Invoice or Customer Statement, generated with a unique filename). This functionality has been enhanced to have the sub-document generated as either an MS Word document, or a PDF document. These sub-documents may be generated at the same time, totally independent from, their normal "printed" versions. When generated as Word documents or PDF documents, MS Word Templates may be used to define the properties of the resulting document with watermarks and headers and footers. (Mar-15-2010) |
The Series 5 import function offers the option to input from an Excel spreadsheet. In any application that loaded data in this manner, it was difficult to determine when all valid rows of data had been loaded. The Excel import function has been enhanced so that it will correctly stop once valid rows of data have been loaded. (Previously, the system would attempt to load up to 65,436 rows of data and when executing any given Import function it would appear as if the system has hanging). (Mar-03-2010) |
All reports and forms that are generated from the Series 5 applications may now be saved as PDF documents. This option is available only to users that have Microsoft's Office 2007 installed on their systems. When the Print Options screen is presented, click the Save To check box, and select PDF Document from the associated Save As drop list. (Feb-23-2010) |
All routines that offer the functionality to click a "Browse" button to present the operator with a window from which a directory, or a file, can be selected have been revised. Under Windows 7, the clicking of the "Browse" caused a "nested input of events" syndrome to occur. In effect, repeatedly displaying the browse window. The logic for these routines have been revised to avoid this problem. (Jan-28-2010) |
The subroutine has been revised to now handle 8 digit numeric seeds. This was done to accommodate the A/R system that now has 8 digit documents numbers. All existing encrypted fields will still be able to be decrypted. (Jan-24-2010) |
For 2009
![]() | Printing of Reports in Series 5 |
The Series 5 printing function has been enhanced to offer the option of printing multiple copies of reports, forms, invoices, orders, etc. A new entry field has been added to the print options sub-screen labeled # of Copies. You may select to have up to 9 copies printed. These copies printed will be automatically collated.
As well, fields on the Print Options sub-screen have been reorganized slightly to accommodate the new field. (Fields and display prompts associated to outputting reports to a Print Queue are now enclosed within a frame. Where applicable, in all Series 5 applications, the size of display windows and/or tab sub-screens have been adjusted accordingly. (Dec-22-2009) |
The Series 5 import/export function offers the option to output/input to an Excel spreadsheet. Office 2003 Excel had allowed for 65,500 rows, and Office 2007 Excel allows for 1,000,000 rows. When exporting data, the Series 5 system would automatically start outputting to a 2nd worksheet when 65,500 rows were reached. The system will now switch to a 2nd worksheet depending on which version is being used. As well, the Spreadsheet I/O routines have been enhanced to support up to 999,999 rows of data. (Dec-16-2009) |
The logic used to export to Excel spreadsheets has been enhanced. In the assorted Series 5 applications, those functions that offer functions to export to an Excel spreadsheet have the ability to perform the following:
Where applicable, in most of the Series 5 applications, these new capabilities have been introduced. (Dec-10-2009)
The Series 5 import/export function offers the option to output/input to an Excel spreadsheet. If the user selected to launch Excel after exporting data, the system incorrectly assumed Office 2003 was installed, and it's Excel utility was being executed. If you only have Office 2003, then this would not have been a problem. The system now correctly detects the version of Excel to launch. (Nov-11-2009) |
When executing under Windows VISTA, dates were not properly being returned. The year was loaded incorrectly as year ZERO which resolved to a date falling in the year 2000. The problem has been fixed. (Oct-28-2009) |
As a new security feature, as an option, you may select to have users that fail to correctly log in to Series 5 after a specified number of times, automatically disabled from logging in again. Before they can use the Series 5 system again, the System's Manager, or Series 5 Gatekeeper must modify their Logon Properties record. This option may be selected with a new field found on System Control Options screen. (Oct-22-2009) |
Passwords now must contain at least one numeric digit, and one alpha character, and be at least 8 characters in length. (Oct-22-2009) |
The Series 5 import/export function offers the option to output/input to an Excel spreadsheet. If that output/input option is selected, and Excel is not installed on the user's workstation, a message will now be displayed. Previously, the system assumed it was installed, and when it attempted to call Excel to build/read the spreadsheet, the program would bomb out with an error. This will no longer happen. (June-02-2009) |
Any Series 5 generated reports, invoices, statements, etc, may be output as an MS Word document. For any MS Word documents that are generated, a Template may also be specified, (as defined in a Series 5 Configuration file variable). These templates must be installed on each users workstation in the C:\Documents and Settings\<PC UserName>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates folder. For users with Office 2007 these templates need an extension of .DOTX. For earlier versions of MS Office, the templates need an extension of .DOT. The system has been enhanced so that if from the Series 5 Print Options screen, MS Word output is chosen, it will test for the occurrence of the designated template file for the particular type of output being generated. If the template cannot be located, an error message is displayed. Previously, if when generating the output, the MS Word utility could not find the template, the system displayed an evil looking message, and would abort. (June-02-2009) |
When a user fails to logon after 5 attempts of entering their User Code and Password, the system exits. Now, as well, an entry will be recorded in the User Access Log file. (April-04-2009) |
A new subroutine has been developed that provides the functionality to encrypt and decrypt data fields. The algorithm used is based on a Vigenere Cipher. This would be considered a "strong" encryption. The subroutine is made available to any Series 5 application that requires encryption of any given data record field. (March-11-2009) |
In any of the Maintenance or Transaction Inquiry routines that listed items in a grid whereby a given item, such as a Customer Code or a G/L Account, could be selected. If there were no item on file to be listed, sometimes transactions for the next item on file were being displayed, but the entry field was not being updated. This problem has been fixed. Also, now a message will be displayed indicating that no records were found for the item entered, but the next highest item's items were being displayed. (Feb-03-2009) |
For 2008
With the recent release of Rev 8.1 of AcuGT, we have discovered that the INTEL native mode, on certain occasions cause Memory Access errors. The batch file used to compile programs S5\util\s5_gcbl.bat must be edited to have the variable NATIVE set to nothing. (Nov-15-2008) |
The Series 5 system now requires all passwords to be made up of at least 8 non-space characters, at lease one of which must be a numeric digit. Also, if a users password has expired, they will be offered the opportunity to assign a new password, after entering the old password. The rules for password entry will apply. (Oct-7-2008) |
An error occurred when exporting to an Excel spreadsheet if the 1st character the output string was a "+", "=", or "-" character. In this case, Excel expected a valid formula. If this was not the case, a terminating error was displayed. The problem has been fixed. Now the Series 5 software will automatically insert a single quote"'" character in front of the string before inserting to the cell. (Oct-7-2008) |
The Series 5 User Access maintenance routine has been enhanced to simplify the steps to establish new users and give/deny access rights. (Sept-24-2008)
The Series 5 User Access has been enhanced to support up to 250 Logon Users. Formerly was limited to 100 users. (Sept-10-2008) |
The Series 5 reporting and printing routines have been enhanced to handle filenames of up to 30 characters long. The UPGRADSM utility must be executed to have the Report-Manager file's records rebuilt to accommodate the larger field. (Aug-25-2008) |
In all applications that offer the opportunity to load from or read a text based interface file where a BROWSE button had been provided, you will now be able to select files that have a "—" or a SPACE in the filename or the directory path. (Aug-25-2008) |
The import and export function has been enhanced to provide support for Office 2007 EXCEL utility. The system will identify Office 2007 utilities by seeing if Excel.EXE can be found in the clients's C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12 folder. For exporting, the files will be created with the *.XLSX extension; and if selected to be launched, Office 2007 Excel will now correctly be executed. (Aug-25-2008) |
The Series 5 systems now have On-Line Help. You can access these help files from the application. In all functions that offer a menu bar, clicking Help will display a drop-down menu offering General Help, Help on the particular function, and Help about Grids. For menu items that don't have a menu bar, if help is available, a help icon may be clicked to display Help about the particular screen. (Note that help may not actually be available in all cases where offered in the drop down menus) (Aug-10-2008) |
The Series 5 Broadcast messages have been increased in size. You may now specify 3 lines of 80 character lines of message text to be displayed. The files used to hold these messages have been renamed to be EMERGENCY.DAT and BROADCASTS.DAT. (Aug-10-2008) |
A new function has been introduced to each applications' User Access Maintenance function. You may now Export to a spreadsheet an analysis table of users access rights. Each row of the table is a menu item, and each column is a Logon User. It provides a quick snapshot of which users have access to any particular function. (July-15-2008) |
As an option, your systems manager can turn on the option to log user access to all the systems' menu items. (June-15-2008) |