Accounts Receivable - List of Enhancements |
Over the lifespan of the Accounts Receivable system, a number of major enhancements and minor fixes have been applied. Following is a brief summary, (listing the most recent items first).
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New and Different – Enhancements and Fixes in A/R
For 2013
The operation to Generate Customer Statements has been enhanced. Now for a given customer, multiple Statements may be generated. A separate Statement may be generated for each A/R User Code, Sub-Ledger Project, or PI Invoice Attention-To name that was assigned to the Sales Transaction associated to each Open Item for the customer. A new property in the Customer's A/R Profile tab sub-screen is used to identify how, and if, multiple Statements are to be generated.
As an alternative, now for a given customer, the items listed on their Statement may be grouped by each A/R User Code, Sub-Ledger Project, or PI Invoice Attention-To name that was assigned to the Sales Transaction associated to each Open Item for the customer. A new property in the Customer's A/R Profile tab sub-screen is used to identify how, and if, grouping it performed. For each group reported, a sub-total is printed. (Mar 15-2013) |
New fields for properties associated to how a Customer's Statement is generated have been introduced to the the A/R Profile ta sub-screen in Customer Maintenance. Now for a given customer, multiple Statements may be generated. A separate Statement may be generated for each A/R User Code, Sub-Ledger Project, or PI Invoice Attention-To name that was assigned to the Sales Transaction associated to each Open Item for the customer. Also for a given customer, the items listed on the Statement may be grouped by each A/R User Code, Sub-Ledger Project, or PI Invoice Attention-To name that was assigned to the Sales Transaction associated to each Open Item for the customer. (Mar 15-2013) |
The function used to compute Finance Charges has been enhanced. When computed for each customer, they are now written to a temporary transaction file. These records are displayed to a Series 5 grid screen and records may now be displayed sorted by Customer Code, Customer Name, Sales Representative, Customer Type, Overdue Amount, or the Date of the Oldest Outstanding Invoice on file. As well, displayed for each customer, is the total Credits, total Debits, # of Overdue Invoices, and the current Customer Balance. The computed Finance Charge amount may also be edited directly on the grid screen.. (Feb 26-2013) |
A new Operation has been introduced into the Accounts Receivable system. The menu item titled Load Sales Trxs from Spsheet provides the function to load Sales Transactions from a user supplied file into a Series 5 Sales Batch. These transactions may be Invoices, Prepaid Invoices or Credits. The user supplied file may be an Excel spreadsheet, a CSV file, or a tab-delimited file. Input data is validated, and either a full interface journal or an exception report may be generated. (This function complements the existing function to load Sales Transactions from a user supplied sequential flat file). (Feb 06-2013) |
The Operations sub-menu function titled Interface Users Sales Trxs has been renamed to Load Sales Trxs from Seq File; and the sub-menu function titled Interface Bank Cash Trxs has been renamed to Load Bank's Lock-Box Cash Trxs . (Feb 06-2013) |
For 2012
The generation of Customer "Dunning Letters", uses three text files for the content of each of the possible letters that may be sent out. The directory path used to specify where these letters are found is now defined be the variable CCCCC__DUNLETTER_PATH, (where CCCCC is the Company System Code), in the Runtime Configuration file. (Sept 14-2012) |
The Series 5 Accounts Receivable provides the ability to define up to 15 User Defined codes. Each code has a description associated to it. This description field may now hold up to 50 characters. (July-26-2012) |
The generation of Customer "Dunning Letters", has been enhanced to offer the option of having delinquent invoices printed with the letter. (At this time ONLY Professional Invoicing generated Invoices are printed). As well, the Dunning Letters may now be generated as formatted MS Word or PDF documents. (July-19-2012) |
For 2011
The Customer "import" function has been enhanced to provide for the loading of a Customer Membership Code (or OWID #), and for each Contact's email address. (Dec-20-2011) |
When entering a Credit, or a Finance Charge transaction, if when positioned at the Document # entry field, the F1 function key is struck, the system will now assign the "Next Credit/Finance Charge Doc #" as defined in the A/R Control Preferences (Oct-10-2011) |
The Customer Company Name field has been increased to hold up to 150 character names. All applicable maintenance and display screens have been revised accordingly. The Upgrade program, as described in the previous enhancement item, when executed will update applicable files. (Oct-10-2011) |
The Customer Company Name field has been increased to hold up to 150 character names. All applicable maintenance and display screens have been revised accordingly. The Customer Lookup function still only displays a limited length, but if while positioned on a particular Company, the mouse right-click is pressed and held, the full name and address is displayed in a small pop-up window. (Oct-10-2011) |
You may now attach a variety of different documents to Master Customer records, Cash Receipt Transactions and Sales Transactions. Up to 15 separate documents may be selected, and attached and viewed from the Customer Codes Maintenance, the Sales Transaction Entry, the Cash Receipts Entry and the Historic Transaction Inquiry functions. These documents may also be viewed from the Customer Open Item Inquiry and Historic Open Item Inquiry functions. The different types of documents support are as follows:
(Apr-14-2011) |
When interfacing a user supplied file containing Sales Transactions, when choosing to generated an Exception Report, the system would validate each transaction's Customer Code, and A/R Revenue Distributions and print an error if any were undefined. If a given Sales transaction had an undefined Revenue Distribution, the Sales Transaction immediately following was not being properly tested. Thus, if two transactions in row had an error, the 2nd transaction's errors were not being reported. The problem has been fixed. {Note that when the transactions were eventually written to a Sales Batch, and that batch was posted, and associated Distributions posted to General Ledger, they would be properly identified as undefined} (Feb-21-2011) |
From the Customer Maintenance routine, the existing function to Import Customers data from spreadsheet has been enhanced. When loading data, there were two Processing Directives, %RADD% and %DELE%, which would either Re-Add Customers, or just Delete those Customer Codes that followed. A new directive has been introduced, %UPDT%, that provides for the option to Update a particular field in existing Customer records. The field to be updated is identified by the code provided in column 2 of the row the %UPDT% directive is in. In column 2, enter CUST-TYPE, SALES-REP, TAX-CODE1, TAX-CODE2, SHIP-VIA, TERRITORY or TERMS-CODE to indicate which field is to be updated. In the rows that follow, in column 1 specify the Customer Code, and in column 2, the new value of the indicated field to be replaced. (Feb-01-2011) |
For 2010
The Cash Entry application has been revised to handle the case where, during the posting function, a transaction is encountered where it's Customer is NOT ON FILE. Previously, all other transactions were posted, and any that had undefined Customers were left to be fixed, and posted at a later time. Now, those transactions that have undefined Customers are identified when the Posting Journal is generated, and after the journal is produced, the posting is aborted. (This problem has been identified since the Bank Lock-Box Cash Receipts Interface function was introduced, where in some cases, a Cash transaction could be written with an invalid Customer. (Nov-03-2010) |
The Purge Accounts Receivable function generates a journal of transactions that are purged. The default output for the Purge Journal has been changed from Printer, to that of being "Archived". (Oct-11-2010) |
A new operation has been added to the Accounts Receivable system. "Interface Bank Cash Transactions" may be invoked to load a CSV text file, supplied by your bank, that contains information on any cash receipts that they had received on your behalf. When loaded, a Cash Transaction Batch will be automatically created, and appropriate Cash Receipts transactions generated. A number of different conditions are dealt with. These include the following:
•If for a Customer's receipt, only the Invoice # to which the amount is applied is provided, the system will correctly determine the Customer, and create the appropriate Cash Transaction •If there are multiple Checks that were received against a single Invoice, the system correctly creates the appropriate Cash Transactions •If a single check is received that is to be applied to Invoices for different Customers, the system will correctly identify each Customer, and create the appropriate Cash Transactions •Over-Payments and Short-Pays are identified and reported on the Interface Exception Journal •Incorrect Apply-To number are identified and reported on the Interface Exception Journal •If an amount to be applied to a particular Invoice exceeds the Balance Due, then an "Open Credit" is generated
When the interface to the A/R Cash Batch is completed, either an Exception Journal, or a Full Posting Journal may be generated. (Mar-25-2010) |
New fields have been added to the Customer Master records. Previously each customer had a single email address field. Now, that email address will be designated as the Company Email Address and each of the two Contacts, that may be defined, now have their own Email Addresses.
Also, the check-box on the A/R Profile Tab screen labeled "Automatically Email A/R Statements and Invoices", has been changed to a drop-list. The option has been enhanced to indicate, for the customer, whether or not their Invoices and A/R Statements should be emailed, and to which email address. (Currently only the Professional Invoicing system can automatically have it's invoices emailed). (Feb-24-2010) |
Normally this analysis may be executed for Calendar Months, Calendar Years, G/L Fiscal Periods or G/L Fiscal Years. If you do not have the Series 5 General Ledger system, the Fiscal Years or Periods are undefined. The routine has been enhanced to not offer these dates if the G/L system is not used. Previously, an error was reported and the system exited the function. (Feb-02-2010) |
When creating a new Sales Batch or Cash Batch, there are Valid Starting and Ending Dates that must be entered. Transactions that are entered to these batches must have a document date that falls within the dates entered. The logic for these date fields has been revised such that if a date that does not fall within a two month period from the current date is entered, a warning message will be displayed. (Feb-02-2010) |
When entering Debits or Credits, it was possible to enter the associated transaction with a Due Date of ZERO. This problem has been fixed. (Feb-02-2010) |
A new function has been introduced that may be used from the Cash Receipts Apply-To Documents screen. The new function: AUTO-APPLY, when clicked, will have the system automatically apply the amount of the check to as many Invoices it can, starting with those with the lowest apply-to numbers. An invoice will be selected only if the amount applied is for the full amount due. Any residual amount, will be left to be dealt with by the operator. (Jan-24-2010) |
The format of the interface file used to load user Sales Transactions has been revised to accommodate the larger 8 digit document numbers, and the large document reference field. You must have your software developers modify their programs which generate the interface file. (Jan-24-2010) |
The format of the A/R Statements and the A/R Dunning Letters have been revised to now handle 8 digit document numbers. Depending on the layout of any pre-printed forms, the output may or may not fit in applicable columns. Please test these layouts to see if any customization will be required. (Jan-24-2010) |
The Accounts Receivable system has been enhanced to now handle 40 character document references. (Increased from 30 characters). All screen entry, exporting and , where possible, reporting functions have been revised to accept, and/or display, 40 characters strings. All existing applicable data records will be updated in the upgrade utility used to upgraded Document Numbers (Jan-24-2010) |
The Accounts Receivable system has been enhanced to now handle 8 digit numeric document numbers. This includes both Invoice Numbers and Cash Receipt Check Numbers. All screen entry, exporting and reporting functions have been revised to accept, and/or display, 8 digit numbers. Note that the 8 digits will be carried through to the G/L system where applicable. Also, for other systems that interface to the A/R, up to 8 digits may be carried. (Jan-24-2010) |
When displaying Distributions for Sales Transactions of Cash Receipts for a G/L account, if the row in the grid is double-clicked or if "Show Transaction Details" is chosen from the pop-up menu, the corresponding associated Sales or Cash transaction is supposed to be displayed. In the case of Cash Receipts this function had not been implemented. Now, the system will correctly display the original Cash Receipt that generated the given distribution. (Jan-04-2010) |
When displaying Open Items, or Purged Items, for a customer, if the row in the grid is double-clicked or if "Show Transaction Details" is chosen from the pop-up menu, the corresponding associated Sales or Cash transaction is supposed to be displayed. In the case of Payments originating from Cash Receipts, if there were more than one payments received for the customer that had the same check number, the correct Cash Receipt transactions was not always being displayed. This problem has been fixed. (Jan-04-2010) |
For 2009
When entering the A/R Revenue Account associated to a Sales Transaction, it was possible to exit the entry screen with a ZERO account number. This would result in having an undefined, ZERO, account being posted. The problem has been fixed. (Dec-22-2009) |
When selecting to output the Historic Open Items in Detail to Excel spreadsheet, the application was terminating with a memory access violation. This problem has been fixed. The problem has been fixed. (Dec-12-2009) |
When the export to Excel spreadsheet was executed, credit amounts were incorrectly being output with leading zeros between the minus sign, and the 1st significant digit. The problem has been fixed. (Dec-11-2009) |
The option to export data to spreadsheet has been enhanced. There are up to 9 different types of data that may be output to an Excel spreadsheet. Each type will now be output to it's own worksheet within the Excel workbook. (Dec-11-2009) |
For those functions that export data to Excel spreadsheets, the following enhancements have been made:
•When titles are output, they will be formatted as bold in 14-point •When legends are output, they will be formatted as bold in 12-point •When headers are output, they will be formatted as bold and italic •Dollar amount data column will be formatted for "Currency", (where $ signs will be displayed with 2 decimal places)
The following applications have been revised accordingly, where applicable (Dec-10-2009) :
•A/R Aging Report – With output to Spreadsheet – (with new default filenames of AR_Aging_Summary or AR_Aging_Detail) •Historic A/R Aging Report – With output to Spreadsheet •Customer Open Item Inquiry – Export function – (with a new default filename of Cust_xxxxxx_OpenItems) where xxxxxx is the customer code) •A/R Distributions Inquiry – Export function •Purged Open Item – Export function •Load A/R Open Items – Export function •Customer Maintenance – Properties Export – (with a new default filename of Customer_Properties) •Overdue Analysis Report – With output to Spreadsheet and/or the Notification Merge output •Tax Codes Maintenance – Properties Export •A/R Sales Analysis by Month – With output to Spreadsheet •A/R Period Analysis – Export functions
A new function has been introduced to the A/R system. Under the menu's Operations drop-down menu, Re-Generate A/R Distributions may be invoked to have all A/R Distributions that were previously generated from the entry and posting of Sales Transactions and Cash Receipts, re-generated. Filters are provided to limit transactions to those with Ledger Dates falling within a given range. (June-10-2009) |
The filter that offers that ability to select a range of documents within a given date range has been enhanced. Previously, only the Document Date was tested. Now, you may specify to apply the date range to the Ledger Date of the documents. (June-10-2009) |
A new function has been introduced to the A/R system. Under the menu's File drop-down menu, Clear All Credit Card Numbers may be invoked to have all occurrences of credit card numbers cleared. That is, in those data records where a credit card number is stored, the text string xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1111 will be assigned to the card number. A cutoff date may be entered as a filter to limit the records that have the numbers cleared for those files were dates would be applicable. This function should be executed on a regular basis to ensure that historic Invoice records have their credit card fields cleared. Also, if data files are being used in a test environment, all data files should have the credit card fields cleared. (June-01-2009) |
When executing the A/R Distribution report for "Summary by Account", if a range of G/L Accounts was specified, the program appeared to continue endlessly, building the work file. This problem has been fixed. (April-28-2009) |
On-Line Help is now available for all Accounts Receivable applications functions. (April-23-2009) |
The date that the Cash Transaction was posted is now printing on each detail line. As well, the Customer Code is now printing correctly. (April-21-2009) |
The processing screens for these functions have been revised. In order to proceed with these functions, the operator will now be required to type the word PROCEED in the field provided. (April-20-2009) |
The option to have the Customer's Aged Summary and/or the Aged Detail exported to a spreadsheet has been introduced. It is similar in operation to that found in the normal A/R Aging report. Also, a new filter has been introduced as an option. A check-box labeled Suppress any Customer "Open Credits" is offered in the Report Options screen. When checked, any Open Item Credits on file for a given customer will be suppressed from the detail listed in the Historic A/R Aging report. (April-14-2009) |
Integrated Help has been introduced to the Period Analysis function. (April-07-2009) |
When the analysis was executed, work files were created using the users' PID Id #. If the user left the A/R system, then returned to the Period Analysis system later, if they did not get the same PID number allocated, they were not seeing the correct analysis work files. Now, the 1st 10 characters of the user's signon name will be used in the name of the work files, so they will always be guaranteed to see the correct files. (April-07-2009) |
This application has been enhanced to offer the option to have an Exception Edit List generated. Only those transactions that have undefined data will be listed. This will make it easier to validate and correct the A/R system with undefined Customers or A/R Revenue Accounts. (April-02-2009) |
A new filter has been introduced as an option. A check-box labeled Suppress any "Open Credits" on file for Customers is offered in the Statement Generation Options screen. When checked, any Open Item Credits on file for a given customer will be suppressed from printing on their Statement, and will not be included in the aged totals. (March-30-2009) |
When Dunning letters are generated, they may contain a number of different pseudo variables. These get replaced with specific fields from the Customer's properties records. These pseudo variables may now be displayed on a tabbed screen that may be selected when specifying the assorted options. (March-25-2009) |
When emails are generated, the message may contain a number of different pseudo variables. These get replaced with specific fields from the Customer's properties records. These pseudo variables may now be displayed on a tabbed screen that may be selected when specifying the assorted options. (March-25-2009) |
A new filter has been introduced as an option. A check-box labeled Suppress any Customer "Open Credits" is offered in the Report Options screen. When checked, any Open Item Credits on file for a given customer will be suppressed from the detail listed in the A/R Aging report. (March-25-2009) |
If the option to output detail to a spreadsheet was selected, the Open Item's Amount-1 and Amount-2 fields were being output as text fields. These have been changed to output as numeric cells. (For Payment items, the negative sign was not being dealt with correctly). The problem has been fixed. (March-24-2009) |
In a number of different A/R functions where a Customer code needs to be entered, the field used to enter the code has been increased in size. In some cases where a PC's resolution was set for large fonts, it was not large enough to display all 6 characters. (March-18-2009) |
As an option, when generating and printing Customer Statements, there is an option that causes the Open Item Reference field to be printed for each detail item listed. This option will now be defaulted checked so that the Reference will be printed unless unselected. (March-18-2009) |
If when interfacing Sales transactions from a user developed invoicing system, undefined Revenue Accounts were loaded, the system was not identifying these accounts on the interface edit list. These accounts will now be identified as "**** Undefined Account Identified *** message. Also, the interface routine has been revised so that the transactions will be copied into the selected A/R Sales Batch, even though undefined revenue accounts were found. The theory is that it is easier to add the A/R Account to the A/R, after being interfaced. The problem has been fixed. (March-18-2009) |
If the option to group Customers by one of the available codes was selected, the name of the report used when it was archived, was not being set up correctly. The problem has been fixed. (March-18-2009) |
For 2008
When entering a Sales Transaction, the system does not allow a document of a given type to be re-entered with the same document number. (Ie., you can't have two invoices on file with the same Invoice #; but you may have an Invoice and a Credit with the same Document #). If a duplicate was detected, it was possible for the operator to ignore the error message and proceed to enter the Sales transaction. this problem has been fixed. The operator will no longer be able to exit from the 1st screen if a duplicate was detected, or if each of the amount field of the transaction are equal to ZERO. (Dec-16-2008) |
When entering a Sales Transaction, the logic and screen for entering the A/R Revenue Distribution Account has been enhanced. You may now enter the Account directly into the field presented. (In other words, a separate window is no longer displayed). The new field is presented as a drop-down list, that you can either enter the account # directly, or choose from the 10 most recently entered accounts. When entering the account number each segment of the Account number may be separated with either a Space, or the "-" character. (Nov-25-2008) |
The grid screen that displays the Customers' Open Items has been enhanced. A new column has been added on the right, that displays the $ Balance Amount due for the item's Apply-To. (Nov-11-2008) |
The screen used to enter the Apply-To amounts to a particular Invoices has been redesigned. It now displays the amount to be applied, (the Amount to be applied, the Discount Amount and the Allowance Amount), in a column with a total below it. This hopefully make it easier to see the applicable balances when discounts and/or allowances are entered. Also, when entering a new Cash Transaction, if the Apply-To is entered first, the Check Amount field will default to the current balance owing, rather than the original value of the Invoice. This is particularly handy if you applying cash to an item that was previously partially paid. (Oct-30-2008) |
When selecting a pre-defined Non-A/R Cash Customer, (one whose Customer Code starts with "*", and has it's first 7 characters in the name as "NON A/R", normally, the check # would be assigned from the "Next Non-A/R Check #" field in the A/R Control properties. The application has been revised so that, the next # from the Control properties is assigned only if it is non-Zero. (Sep-14-2008) |
When Browsing to select the file to be loaded, if the directory path was changed, it was not being correctly passed to the program. (Sep-14-2008) |
The Accounts Receivable system now has On-Line Help. You can access these help files from the application's screens or menu bars. (Aug-2008) |