Student Master File – |
Student records are maintained. The data kept includes name, address, contact information, occupation and employer. Also kept is a history of the classes that they have attended. This is useful for an association that might be offerring courses for certification or employment classification. It's also nice to know how much this student has spent on courses in the past. | |
Customer's Supervisors Master File – |
The system provides for maintaining a list of Supervisors that are employed at Customer's companies. For larger customers, it's the supervisors that would be interested in the courses being offered, and probably the individual that signs off on the approval to send their workers to the class. Bulk email advertising a new course may be generated and sent to the supervisors. When students are registered, if applicable, the supervisor is either recorded, or obtained from the student's master record. In these cases, then the supervisor's company is used for generating the invoice. Bulk email may be generated and sent to supervisors. | |
Instructors and Guest Speakers File – |
You can maintain a directory of instructors and guest speakers that are employed to teach or give talks at the classes. Their contact information along with their daily and weekly fees are kept. A field is provided to record notes about the individual, and a history of the courses they have given, or spoke to, is kept. Bulk email may be generated and sent to instructors. | |
Courses and Class Sessions – |
A Course is defined as a training session, a seminar, or a series of presentations on a particular subject which people may wish to attented. A Class is an instance of a given Course. A Class for a given Course might be given on a ad-hoc, a monthly or yearly basis. Instructors and Students are assigned to each Class; and Classes might be held at any number of different locations, and may have different tuition fees associted to them. Year-to-Date, Last-Year, and Life-to-Date statistics are kept for each Class. | |
Tuition Discounts – |
Up to 6 different Tuition Discounts, or rates, may be assigned to a given Course. For example, you may have a different rate for members of an association, for non-members, and/or for students. An unlimited number of Tuition Discounts may be set up for different Courses. When new Classes are scheduled for a given Course, different Tuition Discounts may be assigned. | |
Student Registration – |
The system provides the operation of registering students. When invoked, a drop-down list offers a list of the Courses for which Classes have been scheduled. Students are then selected. The system attempts to offer a number of different ways to identify the student from the master Student file, in hopes that they would not be duplicated. Students are keyed by Last Name, Student #, (if they have previously attended a course), Employer's Customer Code, Home Phone Number, SSN and email. Any of these may be used to locate the student record on file. If applicable, and known, the individual's Supervisor is also recorded. The Supervisor then provides one of the options for determining who the Invoice is to be generated for. The system will offer the billing-to options. These include the Students Home Address, the Students Employer, the Supervisor's Employer, a given Customer, or a name and address that is to be entered. The tuition amount is also selected at the time of registration and, payment by credit card may also be recorded. To summarize, the following information is entered with the registration process:
Invoice Generation – |
The students for a given Class are invoiced either automatcally after the class has been held; at any time prior to the class being held, or repeatedly invoiced after the fact, (in case of an onsite or late registration). For those students that have pre-paid, the net-balance due amount is shown on the invoice. Invoices are written to a history file and can be called up and reprinted when necessary. All invoices are posted to the Accounts Receivable system. | |
Class Reporting and Analysis – |
For a given Class, the following reports can be generated:
Bulk Email Generator – |
As an operation, you may instruct the system to generate bulk emails to be sent to Students or Supervisors. The email is sent as text with up to three attachments. These might be used to inform potential customers of an upcoming class or to remind registered students of their upcoming class. A number of different filters may be set to choose particular sets of students and customers, or to send emails only to those students that have attended a particular course in the past. | |
Export to Spreadsheet – |
The Series 5 system provides for the loading or dumping of data from or to your favorite spreadsheet. Data can be read or written directly to Microsoft's Excel, or tab-delimited text files. Data Export is offered for the following transactions, master records or analysis: