Customer Sales Transaction Entry –

Sales Transactions are entered as sets of batches of transactions.  The batches may have control totals, and are posted with a register generated that may be printed or archived for future reference.  Sales Transactions are normally automatically generated from one of the other Series 5 applications into a Sales Batch.  They may also be interfaced from in-house developed applications from a user supplied sequential file.  The types of transactions that may be entered are as follows:
  • Invoices
  • Prepaid Invoices (ie., Sales Transactions prepaid with Credit Card, Debit Card or Check)
  • Credits
  • Debits

Customer Cash Receipts Transaction Entry –

Cash Receipts Transactions are entered as sets of batches of transactions.  The batches may have control totals, and are posted with a register generated that may be printed or archived for future reference.  Cash Transactions may also be interfaced from files down-loaded from other sources such as banks or payment service centers.  The types of transactions that may be entered are as follows:
  • Cash Receipts against specific invoices
  • Cash Receipts as Open Credit Amounts on Account (that may be later applied to specific invoices)
  • Non Receivable Cash Receipts

Ad-Hoc Customer Account Inquiry –

For a selected Customer, you can Inquire and display lists of Open Items that are waiting to be paid.  Selected transactions can also be output to spreadsheet for further analysis.

"Open Item", or "Balance Forward" Customers –

The A/R system provides for both Open Item processing and/or Balance Forward processing.  Each customer may be defined as one or the other.  Open Credits may be entered for either type of customer.  On a monthly basis, (or as however frequent as desired), the Customer Open Items are purged showing only those individual items, or balance forward totals, that are left to be paid. (Purged items are copied to an history file that may be inquired to).

Customer Statements and/or Dunning Letters –

Standard Customer Statements may be generated and printed, or automatically emailed.  There are also 3 versions of Dunning Letters that may be generated, each accompanied by a brief statement.  For either function, Statements or Letters may be printed sorted using a variety of different criteria associated to the customers.

Customer Master Record Profiles –

Customer properties are maintained in the A/R system.  Typical information including Name, Address, Phone, Fax and Email are kept along with two individual Contacts, A/R control options and two different tax codes.  A free formated text note may also be recorded for each customer. As well, the following statistics are updated by the system:
  • Period-to-Date, Year-to-Date, and Last-Year Sales, Cost and Commission totals
  • Period-to-Date and Year-to-Date Account Balances, Average # of days for customer Payments, Short-Pay amounts
  • Total Monthly Sales and Cost amounts for both the current and the prior reporting years
  • User recorded Credit Incidents, and Contact History along with Scheduled Call-Back dates

Customer "Demographics" Codes –

The Series 5 A/R system offers the opportunity to define your own Customer Demographic codes.  These are information type fields assigned as properties about your customers, that you may like to define, applicable to your type of business.  Once defined, you can then enter those codes that are valid.  These in turn can then be assigned to your applicable customers.  You can also assign multiple values for any type of code to a single customer.  Most of the reporting functions that are customer driven in all of the Series 5 applications provide for selection filters based on Demographic codes.

Sales Analysis –

There are a number of different Analysis reports. These include Analysis by Customer, Sales Representative, Sales Volume, Customer Type, and State/Province.

There is also a comprehensive Period Analysis, that generates period totals for up to 72 months or 10 years in the past, by Customer, Customer Type, Revenue Accounts, Sales Representatives or Sub-ledger Projects. The analysis is displayed to the screen in a grid with "drill-down" display of contributing transactions. The analysis can be displayed to a grid screen, printed, or exported to a spreadsheet.


Extensive Exporting to Spreasheet –

The Series 5 system provides for the loading or dumping of data from or to your favorite spreadsheet.  Data can be read or written directly to Microsoft's Excel, or tab-delimited text files.
Data Export is offered for the following transactions, master records or analysis:
  • Customer Master record data
  • A/R Tax Codes
  • Customer Open Items
  • A/R Distributions
  • A/R Aging Report Detail and/or Summary Totals
  • A/R Period Analysis Sub-Totals by Customer or Customer Type
  • A/R Accounts Analysis Sub-Totals (for simplified A/R - G/L Reconciliation