Web Manager - List of Enhancements |
Over the lifespan of the Web Access Management system, a number of major enhancements and minor fixes have been applied. Following is a brief summary, (listing the most recent items first).
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New and Different – Enhancements and Fixes in W/M
For 2012
The E-Request Statistics Inquiry function has been enhanced to display statistics associated to user's requests for generating multiple Invoice Reprints. (Sept-18-2012) |
The Web User's Maintenance routine has been enhanced to provide for the display of statistics associated to user's requests for generating multiple Invoice Reprints. (Sept-18-2012) |
The E-Request Server has been enhanced to service request to have multiple Invoices reprinted as a PDF or MS Word document, and emailed. The body of the email message is loaded from a user defined text file named EReq_InvsRprint_EmailMessage.TXT that must be located in the folder named Email-Templates that must be created in the designated Company System's "Generated and Archived Reports" data directory. (Sept 18-2012) |
A new function is available from the ASOW Web Page. Users my now select to have up to 200 Invoice reprinted and emailed to them as a single PDF or MS Word document. The request is submitted as a job to the E-Request Server. The E-Request Server and the P/I Invoicing routines have been revised accordingly. (Sept 18-2012) |
Invoices that are requested from Web Users, will now be generated and emailed as either MS Word 2010, MS Word 2003, or PDF documents. A new property associated to Web Users will be used to determine the type of document to be sent. As well, MS Word documents may be generated as "locked" or not, depending on the specified property. (Apr-30-2012) |
Invoices that are requested from Web Users, will now be generated and emailed as either MS Word 2010, MS Word 2003, or PDF documents. A new property associated to Web Users will be used to determine the type of document to be sent. As well, MS Word documents may be generated as "locked" or not, depending on the specified property. (Apr-30-2012) |
A new field has been introduced to the Web User's Maintenance screen. It will be used to indicate the type of document that invoices will be generated as, when requested from the "Account-Status-On-The-Web" website. You may select from PDF, MS Word 2007/2010 or MS Word 2003. As well, for MS Word documents, you may select to have it "protected". (In other words, the document may NOT be edited unless the correct password is entered. (Apr-30-2012) |
There has always been the ability to logon to the "Account Status" web functions either using the traditional user-code/password entry screen, or by using a link from your company's web site. Either way, the Web User needed to change their password on a regular basis and keep a "Secret" Question and Answer if needed.
Now, the process has been enhanced to offer the ability to ONLY log in from your company's web site pages. A new field has been introduced into the Web User Access Maintenance screen that indicates how the User is to log on to ASOW. If a user selects to only log in from the company web-site, their password will never expire, and they will not have to enter a "Secret" Question and answer. Both the CGI servicing routines, and appropriate HTML pages have been revised accordingly. (Mar-28-2012) |
Rather than relying on the Web Users to think up a "Secret Question", the system now offers 10 different questions from which they can select. They can also use their own question that they make up if so desired. Both the CGI servicing routines, and appropriate HTML pages have been revised accordingly. (Mar-28-2012) |
![]() | "Account Status On-The-WEB" Recap Query |
Three additional query filters have been introduced to the Recap Query Web page inquiry. They provide for selection filtering using the Recap Order Number, The WIP Task Code, and the Recap's Application Code fields. These filter fields, if set, are used as "AND" conditions with the existing filter. Both the CGI servicing routines, and appropriate HTML pages have been revised accordingly. (Jan-12-2012) |
For 2011
The CALLEREQ program has been revised to call either the W/M's E-Request Service routine or the new P/I's On-Demand Billing Service routine. It no longer resides as a program belonging to the W/M system, rather, it has been moved into the S/M, (System's Management) directory and library. Please ensure the correct compile script files are installed. (Nov-11-2011) |
Fields have been added or increased in size for the defined WEB Users. The User's email address has been increased from 50 to 120 characters in size.
Also, new fields have been introduced to complement On-Demand Billing enhancements to the Professional Invoicing system. (Nov-11-2011)
The E-Request server has been revised to use the new email via Outlook routines. For each of the different emails that are sent, the body of the message is now loaded from user defined text files that must be created in the folder named Email-Templates that must be created in the designated Company System's "Generated and Archived Reports" data directory.
Within the body of the message file, you may include assorted pseudo variables that will be replaced with appropriate strings relevant to the email being sent. The email body message files must be named as follows:
Examples of these Email Message files may be found in the Series 5 release directory, in the UTIL sub-directory. (Oct-04-2011)
The function to have the User's User Code and Password has been revised for the the new email capability. The body of the message is now loaded from a user defined text file named WebUserPword_EmailMessage.txt that must be located in the folder named Email-Templates that must be created in the designated Company System's "Generated and Archived Reports" data directory.
Within the body of the message file, you must include 3 pseudo variables to indicate the Web User's signon code, the password, and the date when the password will expire. These pseudo text strings must be named %%MY-STRING-1%%, %%MY-STRING-2%, and %%MY-STRING-3%% respectively. (Sept-20-2011)
When a user was using ASOW to browse the list of Invoices that are associated to a Customer, if more than 100 Invoices were listed, they could continue to look at the list of the next 100 invoices by clicking the [View Next Screen] button on the web page. This action resulted in an error being reported. This problem has been fixed. (May-03-2011) |
Fields have been added or increased in size for the defined WEB Users. The User's email address has been increased from 40 to 50 characters in size.
Also, new fields have been introduced to complement a future enhancement to the Professional Invoicing system. That is, that ability to record employee WIP activity over the company Web site. (March-30-2011)
The function to have Web User properties exported has been enhanced. A new field selection is available. You may now select to have the list of Customer Codes that users' may access exported to the spreadsheet. From the list of available fields, select the item labeled "Extra 40 Custs". (March-30-2011) |
For 2010
When a member of your staff resets a given user's password, the Valid Until Date will now automatically be set 30 days into the future. Also, if attempting to Email the Signon Code/Password when executing as a "Thin-Client" on a UNIX server, a message will be displayed advising that that function cannot be executed. (Nov-02-2010) |
When an individual is signed onto the Account-Status-on-the-Web web-site, they can request to have a copy of a Recap Detail Spreadsheet emailed to them. The Spreadsheet will now be generated as an Office 2003 Excel spreadsheet. (May-02-2010) |
When an individual is signed onto the Account-Status-on-the-Web web-site, they can request to have a copy of an Invoice, a Recap Detail Report, or Recap Detail Spreadsheet emailed to them. The copy of the Invoice and the Recap Report will now be generated as a PDF document and emailed. The Spreadsheet will now be generated as an Office 2007 Excel spreadsheet. The message will be revised accordingly. (March-31-2010) |
For 2009
For those functions that export data to Excel spreadsheets, the following enhancements have been made:
•When titles are output, they will be formatted as bold in 14-point •When legends are output, they will be formatted as bold in 12-point •When headers are output, they will be formatted as bold and italic •Dollar amount data column will be formatted for "Currency", (where $ signs will be displayed with 2 decimal places)
The following applications have been revised accordingly, where applicable (Dec-15-2009) :
•Web User Maintenance – Properties Export •Past 60 Periods Statistics Inquiry – Export functions
A problem was identified with the logic associated to the testing of the Dynamic Token Numbers that are embedded in each page issued to the web browser people. If a user signed on, and then logged off, and then signed on from the CTL home page again, the Dynamic Token Error was being displayed. The problem has been fixed. (June-23-2009) |
![]() | Account-Status-on-the-Web – Security Issue - Web Page Tokens |
The Web Access Management ASOW servicing routines have been enhanced to deal with a potential hack attack. Now when a web-user connects to the ASOW web servicing routines for the first time to sign on, a 4 digit Token Number will be assigned. Based on this Token, a random range of 4 digit numbers will be assigned to the user. All HTML pages that are displayed to the Web-User will have a 4 digit Dynamic Token number embedded as a hidden variable within every Post forms that may be utilized. When requests are serviced, the range of Tokens assigned to the user is validated. If they are incorrect, the session will be terminated. (May-29-2009)
The Web Access Management system's On-Line Help is now complete. You can access these help files from the application's screens or menu bars. PDF Versions of the Web Access Management manual are also available by request. (May-28-2009) |
A new inquiry function had been introduced. Web Error Logs Inquiry is a new grid screen based lookup function that lets a user view the errors that have been reported by the ASOW service routines. Now when an error occurs, an error code is displayed to the Web User. To determine what caused the error, a member of the accounting staff could use this function to see more information associated to the error. (May-25-2009) |
The ASOW service routines have been revised so that when errors occur instead of a message, an error code is displayed to the Web User. The idea being, that if a user was attempting to launch a malicious attack, descriptive error messages may aid in their efforts, so now instead, an error code is displayed. When errors such as these are encountered, now an error history record is recorded. These records are available to a new Inquiry function in the back-end Web Management system.
If the individual who receives the error code wishes further information, they could contact one of the accounting staff, and they could then easily investigate the error by accessing the new inquiry function, and get back to the web user. (May-25-2009) |
A function is available that will email the Web-User his User-ID and Password. The body of the email message made reference to www.uccdirect.com. This has been changed to www.ctliensolutions.com (May-20-2009) |
Has been revised to deal with the encrypted Web-User passwords. (May-20-2009) |
Once a user has signed on to the ASOW system, and selected a customer, a web page is displayed showing the information about the customer, and assorted push-buttons for the different functions that may be invoked. This page has been enhanced to display the Date and Time that the user last signed onto the system selecting a given customer. HTML file PICUSTVFY.HTM was modified. The associated CGI service routine has been modified accordingly. (May-20-2009) |
The web page displayed from the CGI servicing routine that invites the web-user to enter a password has been enhanced. Both the password, and the answer to the secret question now have associated verification fields requiring repeated entry so as to confirm the data being entered. All these fields are now secure, so the text being entered is masked with asterisks. HTML file WUSERINFO.HTM was modified. The associated CGI service routine has been modified accordingly. (May-20-2009) |
The web page displayed from the CGI servicing routine that confirms an email is to be sent with the user's password has been revised to be more of an announcement rather than an error message. (May-19-2009) |
The Web User Maintenance routines have been enhanced to offer additional security with web user's passwords. The Help files for this maintenance routine has been completed and updated accordingly. The following changes have been made:
•Passwords now require at least one numeric digit, and must be at lease 8 non-space characters •The Password and the Secret Question Answer fields are now displayed as secure fields as asterisks. •When Passwords or Secret Question Answers are edited, a field is provided requiring them to be entered again for confirmation. •When exporting Web User Properties, the password is output as a string of "*********" •The current Password, and the previous Passwords on file are now encrypted using the Series 5 encryption subroutine. •The answer to the Secret Question has also been encrypted using the Series 5 encryption subroutine.
As well, the file that stores the Web User properties records has been encrypted. (May-19-2009). |
The web page displayed from the CGI servicing routine that confirms an email is to be sent with the user's password has been revised to be more of an announcement rather than an error message. (May-19-2009) |
The ASOW CGI Logon servicing routine has been revised to that when a web-user enters a new password, it must satisfy the rule that it must contain at least one numeric digit. (May-19-2009) |
The ASOW CGI Logon servicing routine has been revised to that any reference to the Web User's password will no longer be output to the Debug Trace file. (May-19-2009) |
For 2008
If the operator selects to launch the E-Request Server or E-Request Monitor functions, executing as a thin client, a message will be displayed advising that it is not possible to do so. (Oct-13-2008) |
The Web Access Management system now has On-Line Help. You can access these help files from the application's screens or menu bars. (Aug-2008) |